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Sunday, March 10, 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Dracena Quarry Park


Join Rabbi Steph of Jewish Gateways, plus the Jewish Baby Network, PJ Library Bay Area, and Honeymoon Israel for a fun Purim celebration including music, crafts, holiday treats, gift bags, and a costume parade!


This event is designed for families with children aged 0-36 months, but you are welcome to bring the whole family!


Register Here

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Celebrate Purim, Holiday of Joy, Costumes, Silliness, and Yummy Treats

Friday, March 15, 6-8:00 pm

Epworth United Methodist Church


Experience the joy of good company, delicious food, singing, Shabbat blessings, and decorating Purim crowns! Join us to celebrate Purim! Adults enjoy "adult" drinks and discussion with Rabbi Bridget, while kids learn about Purim with Rabbi Steph through crafts, costumes, and games. All are welcome to this vegetarian potluck, and no experience is necessary.


More Info Here

Purim Events for Families with Children
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