Get Involved in Jewish Gateways
Volunteer with Our Warm and Diverse Community
Many people have found that volunteering, whether for a one-time task or in an ongoing role, is the best way to get to know others and feel a part of the community. If you'd like to explore ways to engage with our community or if you have particular skills you'd like to share, please fill out this form or reach out to Laurie Kirkpatrick.
A message from Laurie, on behalf of the Community Involvement Team
Thank you to our volunteers! Here are some of the ways you make a difference at Jewish Gateways:
While the pandemic kept us physically apart longer than expected, it certainly strengthened our sense of community. There are so many volunteers to recognize for their contributions to Jewish Gateways during this time.
Groups, groups, groups!
Thanks to our ongoing group leaders: Catherine Warren (Pandemic Support, Second Generation Children of Holocaust Survivors), Sandy Warren (Chaverim for Those Who Identify as Male), Lyn Fine and Adrianne Bank (Racial Justice), Connie Jacowitz (Caring Community), Lex Schrader (Rosh Chodesh), and Shelly Levinthal (Jewish Book Club) developed and have maintained active community groups during the pandemic, which takes a lot of preparation, organization, and generosity of spirit.
Yasher koach (great job) to our music crew, Joel Siegel, Scott Williams, Cheryl and Dave Cleary, and Sarah Williams. Some of them lead music at our weekly online Shabbat gatherings, and others pre-record music for Jewish Gateways events. Hearing your lovely voices, both alone and together, is a balm for the spirit!
Tech support
Thanks to Dave Green, Joel Siegel, Jim Kirkpatrick, Jess Kirkpatrick, Gary Jaron, and Susan Schulman for providing tech support at all kinds of online events and meetings. We’d be lost without you, and you’ve found many of us who were!
Strategic Planning Task Force
We’re looking to the future. Five volunteers are participating in a Strategic Planning Task Force along with our two Rabbis and consultant, Miriam Abrams. Miriam is an outside consultant with a great deal of experience helping Bay Area Jewish non-profits create overarching plans for programmatic and financial success. Thanks in advance to Rabbi Ruth Adar, Ginny Browne, David Burkett, Jessica Cross, Gina Kessler-Lee, Connie Jacowitz, and Sandy Warren for the time, energy, and expertise you will each bring to this important effort.
All of you, too, will be asked to provide input at focus group meetings held to elicit input. Please come and tell us your thoughts and needs!
Continue to stay safe, and let’s hope we can soon be together again in person more often.
for the Community Involvement Team